Dear Fenestration Industry Stakeholder,
Natural Resources Canada is conducting a market study of low-rise residential fenestration products available in Canada.
The objective of this project is to collect and analyze energy, economic, environmental and market data on these products. The information developed during this project may be used in the development of policy instruments and mechanisms to improve performance of fenestration products in Canada.
As part of this project, for the first round we had surveyed industry stakeholders; but this second round of surveys is intended to solicit feedback from a wider audience of industry stakeholders. NRCan encourages any organization involved in the fenestration industry to participate in the survey, including those not currently identified as Energy Star participants. We hope you will provide your input by filling out the survey found here: https://forms.office.com/r/JCCmTr9HRh. (The survey is built in Microsoft Forms.) If you’d like to preview the survey first, you can find a PDF on Caneta’s website: http://www.canetaenergy.com/fenestration-survey/ .
Please complete the survey by September 29, 2023.
If you have questions or concerns about this study, please contact:
Ruth Urban, Caneta Research Inc, 905-766-2880, rurban@canetaenergy.com
Please ignore this message in case you have already filled out this survey and we thank you for your participation.
The ENERGY STAR Canada team.