Please see below for a memo from ENERGY STAR
Dear ENERGY STAR Participant,
We hope that message finds you well, as per the communiqué issued last Summer, we would like to remind you that the new platform YESCan will be available soon for the submission of your Unit Shipment Data. We have tested the new platform internally and externally by selecting a few ENERGY STAR program participants which have entered amounts in various fields dedicated to that purpose. We gathered some feedback from these companies, and everything went well for that testing period. Therefore, we’ll be finalizing the platform during the week of January 22, performing additional internal tests and the plan is to go live by the first week of February at the latest.
You will receive an email from the following address to invite you to set up your company account into the new platform and to submit your Unit Shipment Data: donoterplyenergyreporting-nepasrepondrerapportsenergetique@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca
Please find below the link where you can find more information about the Unit Shipment Data onto the ENERGY STAR Canada website: ENERGY STAR announcements (canada.ca); However we have attached the PDF version of the same document posted onto the website in case you would prefer to access it directly through emails.
Finally, we would like to assure you that support from ENERGY STAR Canada will be available from the platform in case you would need some; then do not hesitate to use that support.
The ENERGY STAR Canada team thank you in advance for your collaboration through that process.